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Showing blog entries tagged as: SDL Tridion Sites

Watch out for this Tridion quantum leap!

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Sep 07, 2019 04:20 PM |

With the release of SDL Tridion's Sites 9.1, they've made a startling leap in their platform support for Java.

In Sites 9, Java 8 is supported. It's not deprecated, and Java 11 is not yet mentioned.

In Sites 9.1, Java 8 support is totally gone, and the only supported version is Java 11.

I was certainly caught out. In trying to puzzle out a plausible upgrade path, before I'd actually read through and absorbed all the details, I'd raised a support ticket that turned out to be unnecessary, or at least premature. We'll be going to Sites 9, so the leap to Java 11 is a little further up the road.

I get it that they have all sorts of good reasons for this. The only possible scenario I can think of for not deprecating Java 8 is that they didn't know this was needed when they released Sites 9. It's also true that we have very, very little of the Tridion product actually baked in to the application these days.

I'm still calling this a gotcha.

Peering behind the veil of Tridion's discovery service

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Sep 04, 2019 07:50 PM |

Many of us have configured applications that use Tridion's discovery service to find the various other content delivery services. All these services can be secured using oAuth, and the discovery service itself is no exception. It's almost a rite of passage to point a browser at the discovery endpoint only to see something like this:

In order to be allowed to use the discovery service, you need to provide an Authorization header when you call it, and otherwise, the "invalid_grant" error is what you get. Some of you may remember a blog post of mine from a few years ago where I showed how to call the content service with such a header. The essense of this was that first you call the token service with some credentials, and it hands you back a token that you can use in your authorization header.

That was when Web 8 was new, and I remember wondering, given that you only need to provide a discovery endpoint, how you could arrive at the location of the token service in order to get a token in the first place. I've seen enough code in the intervening period that takes a very pragmatic line and just assumes that the token service is to be found by taking the URL of the discovery service and replacing "discovery.svc" with "token.svc". That works, but it's somehow unsatisfactory. Wasn't the whole point of these service architectures that things should be discoverable and self-describing. Back then I'm fairly sure, after a cursory glance at, I tried looking for the $metadata properties, but with the discovery service that just gets you an invalid grant.

I recently started looking at this stuff again, and somehow stumbled on how to make it work. (For the life of me, I can't remember what I was doing - maybe it's even documented somewhere.) It turns out that if you call the discovery service like this:


it doesn't give you an invalid grant. Instead it gives you an oData response like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  xmlns="" metadata:context="http://cd.local:9082/discovery.svc/$metadata#TokenServiceCapabilities" xml:base="http://cd.local:9082/discovery.svc">
  <link rel="self" title="TokenServiceCapabilities" href="TokenServiceCapabilities"></link>
      <name>SDL OData v4 framework</name>
    <link rel="edit" title="TokenServiceCapability" href="TokenServiceCapabilities('DefaultTokenService')"></link>
    <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Environment" href="TokenServiceCapabilities('DefaultTokenService')/Environment"></link>
    <link rel="" type="application/xml" title="Environment" href="TokenServiceCapabilities('DefaultTokenService')/Environment/$ref"></link>
    <category scheme="" term="#Tridion.WebDelivery.Platform.TokenServiceCapability"></category>
    <content type="application/xml">
        <data:LastUpdateTime metadata:type="Int64">1566417662739</data:LastUpdateTime>

Looking at this, you can just reach into the "content" payload and read out the URL of the token service. So that explains the mystery, even if the possibility of doing a replace on the discovery service URL also counts as sufficient to render it unmysterious.

Anyway - who knew? I certainly didn't. Is this a better or more correct way of getting to the token service? I really don't know. Answers on a postcard?

Encrypting passwords for Tridion content delivery... revisited

A while ago I posted a "note to self" explaining that in order to use the Encrypt utility from the Tridion content delivery library, you needed to put an extra jar on your classpath. That was in SDL Web 8.5. This post is to explain that in SDL Tridion Sites 9, this advice still stands, but the names have changed. 

But first, why would you want to do this? Basically it's a measure to prevent your passwords being shoulder-surfed. Imagine you have a configuration file with a password in it like this: 

<Account Id="cduser" Password="${cduserpassword:-CDUserP@ssw0rd}">
<Param Name="FirstName" Value="CD"/>
<Param Name="LastName" Value="User"/>
<Param Name="Role" Value="cd"/>
<Param Name="AllowedCookieForwarding" Value="true"/>

You might not want everyone who passes by to see that your password is "CDUserP@ssw0rd". Much better to have something like encrypted:o/cgCBwmULeOyUZghFaKJA==

<Account Id="cduser" Password="${cduserpassword:-encrypted:o/cgCBwmULeOyUZghFaKJA==}">
<Param Name="FirstName" Value="CD"/>
<Param Name="LastName" Value="User"/>
<Param Name="Role" Value="cd"/>
<Param Name="AllowedCookieForwarding" Value="true"/>

Actually - with the possibility to do token replacement, I do wonder why you need a password in your config files at all, but that's not what this post's about. 

The thing is that the jar files that used to be called cd_core.jar is now called udp-core.jar and cd_common_util.jar has become udp-common-util.jar.  Actually this is a total lie, because in recent versions of Tridion all the jars have versioned names, as you'll see in the example I'm about to show you. One of these jars is to be found in the lib folder of your services, and the other in the services folder, so you might find it's easier just to copy them both to the same directory, but this is what it looks like doing it directly from the standalone folder of discovery: 

PS D:\Tridion Sites GA\Tridion\Content Delivery\roles\discovery\standalone> java -cp services\discovery-servic
e\udp-core-11.0.0-1020.jar`;lib\udp-common-util-11.0.0-1022.jar com.tridion.crypto.Encrypt foo
Configuration value = encrypted:6oR074TGuXmBdXM289+iDQ==

Note that here I've escaped the semicolon from the powershell with a backtick, but you can just as easily wrap the whole cp argument in quotes. Please note that I do not recommend the use of foo as a password. Equally, please don't use this encryption as your only means of safeguarding your secrets. It raises the bar a bit for the required memory skills of shoulder surfers, and that's about it. It's a good thing, but don't let it make you complacent. You also need to follow standard industry practices to control access to your servers and the data they hold. Of course, this is equally true of any external provisioning systems you have. 



Discovery service in Tridion Sites nine has two storage configs

I just got bitten by a little "gotcha" in SDL Tridion Sites 9. When you unpack the intallation zip, you'll find that in the Content Delivery/roles/Discovery folder, there's a separate folder for registration, with the registration tool and its own copy of cd_storage_conf.xml. The idea seems to be that running the service and registering capabilities are two separate activities. I kind of get that. When I first saw the ConfigRepository element at the bottom of Discovery's configuration, I felt like it had been shoehorned into a somewhat awkward place. Yet now, it seems even more awkward. So sure, both the service and the registration tool need access to the storage settings for the discovery database, while only the registration tool needs the configuration repository.

The main difference seems to be one of security. The version of the config that goes with the registration tool has the ClientId and ClientSecret attributes while the other doesn't. This, in fact, is the gotcha that caught me out; I'd copied the storage config from the service, and ended up being unable to perform an update. The error output did mention being unable to get an OAuth token, but I didn't immediately realise that the missing ClientId and ClientSecret were the reason. Kudos to Damien Jewett for his answer on Stack Exchange, which saved me some hair-pulling.

I'm left wondering if this is the end game, or whether a future version will see some further tidying up or separation of concerns.

EDIT: On looking at this again, I realised that even in 8.5 we had two storage configs. The difference is that in 8.5 both had the ClientId and ClientSecret attributes.

Enumerating the Tridion config replacement tokens

OK - I get it. It's starting to look like I've got some kind of monomania regarding the replacement tokens in Tridion config files, but bear with me. In my last blog post, I'd hacked out a regex that could be used for replacing them with their default values, but had thought better of actually doing so. But still, the idea of being able to grab all the tokens has some appeal. I can't bear to waste that regex, so now I'm looking for a reasonable use for it.

It occurred to me that at some point in an installation, it might be handy to have a comprehensive list of all the things you can pass in as environment variables. Based on what I'd done yesterday this was quite straightforward

gci -r -include *.xml -exclude logback.xml| sls '\$\{.*?\}' `
| select {$_.RelativePath((pwd))},LineNumber,{$_.Matches.value} `
| Export-Csv SitesNineTokens.csv

By going to my unzipped Tridion zip and running  this in the "Content Delivery/roles" folder, I had myself a spreadsheet with a list of all the tokens in Sites 9. Similarly, I created a spreadsheet for Web 8.5. (As you can see, I've excluded the logback files just to keep the volume down a bit, but in real life, you might also want to see those listed.)

The first thing you see when comparing Sites 9 with Web 8.5 is that there are a lot more of the things. More than twice as many. (At this point I should probably confess to some possible inaccuracy, as I haven't gone to the trouble of stripping out XML comments, so there could be some duplicates.)

65 of these come from the addition of XO and another 42 from IQ, but in general, there are just more of them. The bottom line is that to get a Tridion system up and running these days, you are dealing with hundreds of settings. To be fair, that's simply what's necessary in order to implement the various capabilities of such an enterprise system.

One curious thing I noticed is that the ambient configs all have a token to allow you to disable oauth security, yet no tokens for the security settings for the various roles. I wonder if this reflects the way people actually use Tridion.

Of course, you aren't necessarily limited by the tokens in the example configs of the shipped product. Are customers defining their own as they need them?

That's probably enough about this subject, though, isn't it?

Removing the replacement tokens from Tridion configuration files, and choosing not to

In SDL Web 8.5 we saw the introduction of replacement tokens in the content delivery configuration files. Whereas previously we'd simply had XML files with attributes and elements that we filled in with the relevant values, the replacement tokens allowed for the values to be provided externally when the configuration file is used. The commonest way to do this is probably by using environment variables, but you can also pass them as arguments to the java runtime. (A while ago, I wasted a bunch of time writing a script to pass environment variables in via java arguments. You don't need to do this.)

So anyway - taking the deployer config as my example, we started to see this kind of thing:

 <Queue Id="ContentQueue" Adapter="FileSystem" Verbs="Content" Default="true">
  <Property Value="${queuePath}" Name="Destination"/>
 <Queue Id="CommitQueue" Adapter="FileSystem" Verbs="Commit,Rollback">
  <Property Value="${queuePath}/FinalTX" Name="Destination"/>
 <Queue Id="PrepareQueue" Adapter="FileSystem" Verbs="Prepare">
  <Property Value="${queuePath}/Prepare" Name="Destination"/>

Or from the storage conf of the disco service:

<Role Name="TokenServiceCapability" Url="${tokenurl:-http://localhost:8082/token.svc}">

So if you have an environment variable called queuePath, it will be used instead of ${queuePath}. In the second example, you can see that there's also a syntax for providing a default value, so if there's a tokenurl environment variable, that will be used, and if not, you'll get http://localhost:8082/token.svc.

This kind of replacement token is very common in the *nix world, where it's taken to even further extremes. Most of this is based on the venerable Shell Parameter Expansion syntax.

All this is great for automated deployments and I'm sure the team running SDL's cloud services makes full use of this technique. For now, I'm still using my own scripts to replace values in the config files, so a recent addition turned out to be a bit inconvenient. In Tridion Sites 9, the queue Ids in the deployer config have also been tokenised. So now we have this kind of thing:

<Queue Default="true" Verbs="Content" Adapter="FileSystem" Id="${contentqueuename:-ContentQueue}">
  <Property Name="Destination" Value="${queuePath}"/>

Seeing as I had an XPath that locates the Queue elements by ID, this wasn't too helpful. (Yes, yes, in the general case it's great, but I'm thinking purely selfishly!) Shooting from the hip I quickly updated my script with an awesome regex :-) , so instead of

$config = [xml](gc $deployerConfig)

I had

$config = [xml]((gc $deployerConfig) -replace '\$\{(?:.*?):-(.*?)\}','$1')

About ten seconds after finishing this, I realised that what I should be doing instead is fixing my XPath to glom onto the Verbs attribute instead, but you can't just throw away a good regex. So - I present to you, this beautiful regex for converting shell parameter expansions (or whatever they are called) into their default values while using the PowerShell. In other words, ${contentqueuename:-ContentQueue} becomes ContentQueue.

How does it work? Here it comes, one piece at a time:

'            single quote. Otherwise Powershell will interpret characters like $ and {, which you don't want
\            a slash to escape the dollar from the regex
$            the opening dollar of the expansion espression
\{           match the {, also escaped from the regex
(?:.*?)      match zero or more of anything, non-greedily, and without capturing
:- match the :-
(.*?) match zero or more of anything non-greedily. No ?: this time so it's captured for use later as $1
\} match the }
' single quote

 The second parameter of -replace is '$1', which translates to "the first capture". Note the single quotes, for the same reason as before

So there you have it. Now if ever you need to rip through a bunch of config files and blindly accept the defaults for everything, you know how. But meh... you could also just not provide any values in the environment. I refuse to accept that this hack is useless. A reason will emerge. The universe abhors a scripting hack with no purpose.

I'm an Idea Machine!

Apparently, I'm an "Idea Machine". Who'da thought it?

So.... the SDL community site just gave me the Idea Machine badge. Apparently you get this for submitting five ideas. Alright, alright - I'll get over myself, really. Just let me enjoy the moment!! :-)

But seriously... for all the nonsense of online achievements, badges and whatever... submitting ideas is a really good... um.. idea. Many of us are working with Tridion software day in and day out, and sometimes you come across something that could be better, or even just something a bit irritating. Chances are you aren't the only one who would appreciate an improvement. So do us all a favour, hold that thought and pop along to, or  the relevant site for you, and post your idea.

Once your idea is in, people can vote it up or down and comment on it. You can also be sure that it will be seen by people from R&D and product management. The only down side of the whole thing is that they have an "ideation wiki". Ideation?  Ideation? Really. Maybe they'll have to find some cweatives for that.

Oh what the heck?! Come on folks! Get ideating!!!

Out with the old, in with the new. How will 2019 look for Tridion specialists?

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Dec 31, 2018 05:12 PM |

It's New Year's eve: a traditional time to look backwards and forwards. I've spent a little time contemplating these grand themes in the context of my life as a Tridion specialist. Where are we now and what will the new year bring?

Let's start with 2018. The major event this year, of course, was the release of SDL Tridion DX, incorporating SDL Tridion Sites 9. So the first thing you see is that we got the Tridion name back. Hurrah! OK - enough of that: getting the name back is good, but there are other things to get excited about.

Firstly - Tridion DX brought SDL's two content management systems together: the web content management system "formerly known as Tridion", and the SDL Knowledge Center. The new branding names the first "SDL Tridion Sites" and the second "SDL Tridion Docs". So now we have both the web content management and structured content management features in the same product. To be honest, I suspect at first the number of customers who want to combine the two will be small, but for companies that do need to straddle these two worlds, the integration provided by DX will be a killer feature. As time goes on, we'll probably find that having both approaches available helps to prevent the need to knock a round peg into a square hole in some implementations. It's also clear that this represents a significant engineering effort at SDL. They haven't just put everything in the same shrink-wrap, but for example, the content delivery architecture has had a major revamp to get the two systems to play nicely together. Even this got a new branding: the Unified Delivery Platform!

I suspect, though that in 2019, I'll be mostly busy with pure WCM work. Sites 9 brings a raft load of enhancements that help to keep it current in the fast-moving world of modern web development. The most interesting is perhaps the new model service. We've seen a model service as part of the DXA framework, but Sites 9 has a "Public Content API", which boils down to a GraphQL endpoint. Tridion's architecture has always had great separation of concerns, so in many ways, it can take the current trend for headless sites in its stride, but a GraphQL service will make it easier to consume content directly, without having to build server-side support as part of your implementation. GraphQL allows you to specify exactly which data you want to get back, and will enable developers to ensure the data traffic between server and client is clean and lean.

There are also other interesting new features. A good example is regions within pages. In practice, the build-up of a web page is done this way - we have different areas of the page showing different kinds of content, and it's great to see that this kind of structure can now be modeled directly in the content manager. I'll stop there; there are far too many new features for a short blog post.

The Sites 9 release has meant a matching update (2.1) to the DXA framework, which is now using the new public content API and of course has support for the new page regions.

So going in to 2019, things are looking really great for anyone beginning a greenfield project on SDL Tridion. That's not the whole story, though. At the other end of the spectrum, there are always customers who are waiting for the right moment to upgrade from an older version. This might be the year when we finally say goodbye to our old friend vbScript. As I understand it, from the Sites 9 release onwards, the legacy support won't even install any more, so organisations that still have vbScript will be planning how to migrate before the next "major" release puts them out of support. To be fair to SDL, by my calculation it's 16 years since compound templating was introduced. That ought to be ample time, you'd have thought. Putting that a bit more positively, we now have very much better ways of doing things, and a Tridion 9/DXA 2.1 approach is a very much better place to be. 

I suspect the other main themes for 2019 will be cloud computing and devops. As organisations move forward to the new product versions, they are also looking at their architectures and working practices. Fortunately, Tridion as a product is already highly cloud-capable, and the move away from templating on the content manager has definitely had an impact on how easy it is to implement continuous integration and delivery/deployment.

It will be a year of transition for many of our customers: not only the technical transitions that I've mentioned, to new architectures and techniques, but also for the business people who are looking to take the next step towards a unified on-line experience for their customers and visitors.

I'm looking forward to it. Bring it on!

A happy new year to you all.