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Encrypting passwords for Tridion content delivery... revisited

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Aug 19, 2019 06:50 PM |

A while ago I posted a "note to self" explaining that in order to use the Encrypt utility from the Tridion content delivery library, you needed to put an extra jar on your classpath. That was in SDL Web 8.5. This post is to explain that in SDL Tridion Sites 9, this advice still stands, but the names have changed. 

But first, why would you want to do this? Basically it's a measure to prevent your passwords being shoulder-surfed. Imagine you have a configuration file with a password in it like this: 

<Account Id="cduser" Password="${cduserpassword:-CDUserP@ssw0rd}">
<Param Name="FirstName" Value="CD"/>
<Param Name="LastName" Value="User"/>
<Param Name="Role" Value="cd"/>
<Param Name="AllowedCookieForwarding" Value="true"/>

You might not want everyone who passes by to see that your password is "CDUserP@ssw0rd". Much better to have something like encrypted:o/cgCBwmULeOyUZghFaKJA==

<Account Id="cduser" Password="${cduserpassword:-encrypted:o/cgCBwmULeOyUZghFaKJA==}">
<Param Name="FirstName" Value="CD"/>
<Param Name="LastName" Value="User"/>
<Param Name="Role" Value="cd"/>
<Param Name="AllowedCookieForwarding" Value="true"/>

Actually - with the possibility to do token replacement, I do wonder why you need a password in your config files at all, but that's not what this post's about. 

The thing is that the jar files that used to be called cd_core.jar is now called udp-core.jar and cd_common_util.jar has become udp-common-util.jar.  Actually this is a total lie, because in recent versions of Tridion all the jars have versioned names, as you'll see in the example I'm about to show you. One of these jars is to be found in the lib folder of your services, and the other in the services folder, so you might find it's easier just to copy them both to the same directory, but this is what it looks like doing it directly from the standalone folder of discovery: 

PS D:\Tridion Sites GA\Tridion\Content Delivery\roles\discovery\standalone> java -cp services\discovery-servic
e\udp-core-11.0.0-1020.jar`;lib\udp-common-util-11.0.0-1022.jar com.tridion.crypto.Encrypt foo
Configuration value = encrypted:6oR074TGuXmBdXM289+iDQ==

Note that here I've escaped the semicolon from the powershell with a backtick, but you can just as easily wrap the whole cp argument in quotes. Please note that I do not recommend the use of foo as a password. Equally, please don't use this encryption as your only means of safeguarding your secrets. It raises the bar a bit for the required memory skills of shoulder surfers, and that's about it. It's a good thing, but don't let it make you complacent. You also need to follow standard industry practices to control access to your servers and the data they hold. Of course, this is equally true of any external provisioning systems you have.