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Tridion bookmarklet challenge: the entries

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Jan 02, 2015 05:40 PM |

Back in July, I issued the Tridion Bookmarklet challenge, and shortly afterwards set up a question on to manage the entries and the voting. The closing date for entries was 31 Dec 2014, so we've now had all the entries: a grand total of 13. Over the next month, we'll be collecting votes to see which entry, in the eyes of the community, was the best.

For the first few months of the challenge, there was very little activity. I even got a bit nervous that we'd have hardly any entries. I needn't have worried; it hotted-up nicely towards the end.

So what did we get for entries? Quite a mixed bag actually - and somewhere in there, quite a few interesting technical insights.

The first entry wasn't a bookmarklet at all. Roel Van Roozendaal chose to create a Chrome browser extension instead. This was a re-implementation of the delete message centre messages functionality that had kicked off the whole bookmarklet discussion in the first place, so nothing new from a functional point of view, but his article shows clearly how to wrap up the functionality in an extension. Certainly there's enough there to inspire you if you were thinking of doing something similar.

We also had an entry that was a bookmarklet, but didn't extend the GUI. Well it was already clear that the rules were pretty relaxed - we're more interested in useful, interesting, inspiring... even if I've been known for pedantry in other contexts :-) So go and check out the entry by Jan Horsman (Jan H), which makes it simple to log in to the Tridion documentation site.

We had multiple entries from several people. Robert Curlette (robrtc) entered, Count Items in View, and later Get Schema Id and Title. The first of these really showed the community process in action, with Robert reaching out with a question on Tridion Stack Exchange (TREX). In his second entry, Robert also bravely 'fessed up to his ignorance on TREX and was rewarded. (See how that works, people? He now knows more than he did, and he's helped the rest of us. We need askers as well as answerers - and fortunately Robert does well in both categories.)

Chris Morgan came up with a couple: Get WebDAVUrl and Open Schema. Both of these are going to be useful to Tridion developers doing their daily work.

Frank Taylor (paceaux) also made two entries. He started with PubUp, which simply lets you navigate to where an item is in the BluePrint. Once he'd entered PubUp, the inevitable community interaction took hold, and he was diving into the Anguilla framework with the help of Nuno Linhares. Lo and behold, out of this process, he was inspired also to enter his AnguillaMediator bookmarklet.

Pankaj Gaur created a bookmarklet that would display the file information of a multimedia component. That's not displayed by default in the Tridion GUI, so there will definitely be people who want this. He also did a bookmarklet that would localize an item.

Not everyone did two :-) Rob Stevenson-Leggett did one to rename a Tridion item, (which was always an awkward thing to do), and Jonathon Williams created Get Creation Info. Don't worry guys - one entry is quite enough, and these are both useful offerings and even with two entries, only one can win.

Alexander Orlov (UI Beardcore) also made a single entry, with his Multiple Upload bookmarklet. Alexander is also notable as the person credited with the most "assists" in the challenge. Several people have made use of what we're coming to know as the Beardcore hack to acquire a reference to the Anguilla API in the Tridion GUI.

So thanks to you all for taking the time and trouble to create these bookmarklets and take part in the challenge. It's been great to see the spirit of friendly rivalry, with people learning from each other and even helping to improve competing efforts. I don't know who is going to win, but every single one of you has helped the community by spreading your knowledge and expertise.