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So what use is that Discover-EnvironmentCapabilities.ps1 script anyway?

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Aug 15, 2020 05:57 PM |

Not long ago, I posted a powershell script on Tridion Practice that allows you to connect to a Tridion discovery service and read out the capabilities that are offered by the corresponding content delivery environment. Well that's a pretty good party trick as far as it goes, but hey maybe you already had a pretty good idea of how you've got things set up, so it's kind of a one-trick pony kind of thing eh? Well it turns out that the script is much more useful than just that.

For starters, I'd like to mention that I've recently updated the script so that it also lists the Model service if it's there, mostly because I was interested in querying it directly. When you are building a DXA application, you can always throw the logging into DEBUG to see the service calls, but it's also very handy to be able to do the service calls yourself, without your application in the way. After all, "divide and conquer" is the most ancient debugging technique of all. Isolate your problem to get a better look at it. Still - as many of the APIs are not public and documented, the debug logging is probably your first port of call to figure out how the query ought to look.

Especially if you're dealing with an automatically provisioned system such as SDL's cloud, the only reliable way to get the service urls is to ask the discovery service for them, so when I wanted to query the model service, I'd first need to do that anyway. Actually I first needed to know the localization, so I was starting with the content service. I didn't want to be re-typing URLs, so actually for my first quick-and-dirty, I just copied all the discovery code into my script and hacked in a $capabilities variable to capture all the output from the foreach loop. Something like this:

$capabilities = foreach($capabilityName in $capabilityNames) {
# invoking the discovery service and returning PSObjects

Then I could just follow up with

$contentUri = ($capabilities | ? {$_.Capability -eq 'ContentServiceCapability'}).'Service URI'
$queryUri = ($contentUri -replace '/content.svc','/client/v4/content.svc')  + "/GetPublicationMappingsFunctionImport(Url='$url')"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $queryUri -Headers @{Authorization=$Authorization}

(You've probably realised by now that if you want to follow along at home, it's probably best to start by visiting the cookbook recipe from the link above and downloading the script.) Anyway - this worked great, and gave me an XML document from which I could dig out the PublicationId. I'd simply used the same $Authorization variable that I'd created to use with the Discovery service, which of course is valid for the other services too. (BTW - if JSON is your poison, just fix up the -Headers parameter to be @{Authorization=$Authorization;Accept='application/json'})

Now I was ready to call the Model service, but the thought of yet another script that copied in the discovery code was starting to make me feel a bit itchy around the DRY principle. I mean... no need to be a fanatic, but enough is enough, eh? So then I realised I didn't have to copy it. All I needed was to "dot source" the existing script. I had the discovery script in the same folder, so my entire script ended up being 4 lines:

$capabilities = . .\Discover-EnvironmentCapabilities.ps1
$modelUri = ($capabilities | ? {$_.Capability -eq 'ModelServiceCapability'}).'Service URI'

$queryUri = $modelUri + "/PageModel/tcm/309/nl/blah/foo/index?includes=INCLUDE"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $queryUri -Headers @{Authorization=$Authorization}

"Dot sourcing" in powershell (and also in some other shells) means using the dot operator to execute another script in your current context. The dot operator is the first of the two dots on the right hand side of the $capabilities assignment. This meant that not only did I manage to populate $capabilities with the return value of the script (a list of PSObjects describing capabilities) but any variables that were assigned in the discovery script were now also available for use locally. This meant that I could just use  $Authorization and thereby avoid having to do all the tedious OAuth wrangling again.

So while the architectural purist in me is quietly cursing, spitting and mumbling about dependencies and side effects, my inner scripting hacker is bouncing around with glee. This is great! Re-use FTW!!! (Yes, yes, I should probably factor out the OAuth stuff too, some day, maybe...)

Anyway - this is just too handy not to share. Hope you all enjoy it.