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SDL Tridion MVP award

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Feb 24, 2010 09:30 PM |

Today the official announcement has been made of the awards in SDL's Tridion MVP (Most valued professional) programme.

I'm on the list. I'm now a Tridion MVP. [insert happy-dance here]

I'd like to say I'm surprised and honoured, but as I was on the committee responsible for making the awards, I'll have to settle for simply being honoured. (Of course, I wasn't allowed to vote for myself.) The award is given to those people who have been most visibly involved in community activities in the world of Tridon. This mostly means being willing to share ones knowledge and experience with others, for example on the Tridion technical forum, ideas site or building blocks exchange. Notwithstanding the fact that participating in these activities is a pleasure in itself, I am very pleased to receive the award, and to be counted in the same company as the other MVPs.

I really hope that now as a group we can go on to do even more, and that the whole will prove to be greater than the sum of the parts.

So to my fellow committee members, and to the Tridion community at large; thank you.