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Programatically changing the Publishable flag on a Category

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Oct 30, 2020 11:00 AM |

Not long ago I was writing a script which, among many other things, needed to set the Publishable property of a category. In the Tridion user interface, a category has a checkbox, large as life, that says "Publishable". How hard could it be, I thought. :-) 

It turns out that when you work with the API (in this case, the core service), it's not called Publishable (or any variation on that), but UseForNavigation. 

 The documentation for the UseForNavigation property

I kind of get it. Back when categories first could be published, the focus was on using them to build navigations. There's even a note in the documentation that says "Before SDL Tridion 2009 the behavior was get or set whether the taxonomy can be used for navigation."

Well I suppose every product as complex (and powerful) as Tridion will have it's history and quirks. In fact, it only cost me a few minutes to figure this out, so it's not really a problem. I'm still going to file this post under "gotchas" though!