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A poor man's Component synchroniser - or using the .NET framework to run XSLT from the PowerShell

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Aug 12, 2012 07:10 PM |

Just lately, I've been doing some work on porting the old Component Synchroniser power tool to the current version of Tridion. If you are familiar with the original implementation, you might know that it is based on a pretty advanced XSLT transformation (thankfully, that's not the part that needs porting), that pulls in data about the fields specified by the schema (including recursive evaluation of embedded schemas), and ensures that the component data is valid in terms of the schema. Quite often on an upgrade or migration project, any schema changes can be dealt with well enough by this approach, but sometimes you need to write a custom transformation to get your old component data to match the changes you've made in your schema. For example, the generic component synchroniser will remove any data that no longer has a field, but if you add a new field that needs to be populated on the basis of one of the old fields, you'll be reaching for your favourite XSLT editor and knocking up a migration transform.

This might sound like a lot of work, but very often, it isn't that painful. In any case, the XSLT itself is the hard part. The rest is just about having some boilerplate code to execute the transform. In the past, I've used various approaches, including quick-and-dirty console apps written in C#. As you probably know, in recent times, I've been a big fan of using the Windows Powershell to work with Tridion servers, and when I had to fix up some component migrations last week, of course, I looked to see whether it could be done with the PowerShell. A quick Google led me (as often happens!) to Scott Hanselman's site where he describes a technique using NXSLT2. Sadly, NXSLT2 now seems to be defunct, and anyway it struck me as perhaps inelegant, or at the least less PowerShell-ish to have to install another executable, when I already have the .NET framework,, with System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform, available to me.

I've looked at doing XSLT transforms this way before, but there are so many overloads (of everything) that sometimes you end up being seduced by memory streams and 19 flavours of readers and writers. This time, I remembered System.IO.StringWriter, and the resulting execution of the transform took about four lines of code. The rest of what you see below is Tridion code that executes the transform against all the components based on a given schema. Sharp-eyed observers will note that in spite of a recent post here to the effect that I'm trying to wean myself from the TOM to the core service, this is TOM code. Yup - I was working on a Tridion 2009 server, so that was my only option. The good news is that the same PowerShell/XSLT technique will work just as well with the core service.

$tdse = new-object -com TDS.TDSE

$xslt = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$transform = new-object System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform
$sb = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
$writer = new-object System.IO.StringWriter $sb
filter FixFooComponent(){
$sb.Length = 0
$component = $tdse.GetObject($_, 2)
$xml = [xml]$component.GetXml(1919)
$transform.Transform($xml, $null, $writer)
$schema = $tdse.GetObject("/webdav/SomePub/Building%20Blocks/System/Schemas/Foo.xsd",1)
([xml]$schema.Info.GetListUsingItems()).ListUsingItems.Item | ? {$_.Type -eq 16}| %{$_.ID} | FixFooComponent