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Using the Tridion PowerShell module in a restricted environment

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Nov 18, 2018 06:40 PM |

At some point, pretty much every Tridion specialist is going to want to make use of Peter Kjaer's Tridion Core Service Powershell modules.  The modules come with batteries included, and if you look at the latest version, you'll see that the modules are available from the PowerShell gallery, and therefore a simple install via Install-Module should "just work".

Most of us spend a lot of our time on computers that are behind a corporate firewall, and on which the operating system is managed for us by people whose main focus is on not allowing us to break anything. I recently found myself trying to install the modules on a system with an older version of PowerShell where Install-Module wasn't available. The solution for this is usually to install the PowerShellGet module which makes Install-Module available to you. In this particular environment, I knew that various other difficulties existed, notably with the way the PowerShell module path is managed. Installing a module would first require a solution to the problem of installing modules. In the past, I'd made a custom version of the Tridion module as a workaround, but now I was trying to get back to a clean copy of the latest, greatest version. Hacking things by hand would defeat my purpose.

It turned out that I was able to clone the GIT repository, so I had the folder structure on disk. (Failing that I could have tried downloading a Zip file from GitHub.) 

Normally, you install your modules in a location on the Module Path of your PowerShell, and the commonest of these locations is the WindowsPowerShell folder in your Documents folder. (There are other locations, and you can check these with "gc Env:\PSModulePath".) As I've mentioned, in this case, using the normal Module Path mechanism was problematic, so I looked a little further. It turned out the solution was much simpler than I had feared. You can simply load a module by specifying its location when you call ImportModule. I made sure that the tridion-powershell-modules folder I'd got from GIT was in a known location relative to the script file from which I wanted to invoke it, and then called Import-Module using the location of Tridion-CoreService.psd1

$scriptLocation = Split-Path ((Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value).MyCommand.Path 
import-module $scriptLocation\..\tridion-powershell-modules\CoreService\Tridion-CoreService.psd1

Getting the script location from the built-in MyInvocation variable is ugly, but pretty much standard PowerShell. Anyway - this works, and I now have a strategy for setting up my scripts to use the latest version of the core service module. Obviously, if you want the Alchemy or Content Delivery module, a similar technique ought to work.